Modern look for the the software development company

  • Location
    London, UK
  • Client
    Anthil World Wide
  • Release
  • Industry
    Software Development

Anthill World Wide (AWW) is a software development company that came to IronSoft agency with a problem - their website was outdated and lacked the necessary functionality to compete in today's digital landscape. At IronSoft, we understood that the website was the first point of contact for many potential customers, and a poor user experience could negatively impact brand awareness and lead to missed opportunities.


To solve this problem, we worked closely with AWW to identify their specific needs and goals. We designed a modern website with a user-friendly interface that would engage visitors and promote their brand. The new site was not only visually appealing but also optimized for functionality, providing a seamless experience for users.

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style guide

Make it stylish

With their previous website being somewhat pale and unremarkable, we set to work on AWW’s new website with intention of increasing brand awareness. We aimed to choose the right colors, fonts and gradients as well as selecting the exact amount of pages that would engage client on every step.


Roboto has a dual nature. It has a mechanical skeleton and the forms are largely geometric. While some grotesks distort their letterforms to force a rigid rhythm, Roboto doesn’t compromise, allowing letters to be settled into their natural width.

Adaptive version

We have selected the most popular device resolutions that ensure a comfortable viewing of the site pages on different screen resolutions and on mobile devices.
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Value Delivered

One of the key features of the new website was the integration of cutting-edge technologies that allowed AWW to showcase their software development capabilities in a more dynamic and interactive way.

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This helped to increase their brand awareness and make them more memorable to potential customers. Overall, IronSoft delivered significant value to AWW by creating a modern website that aligned with their brand and business goals. The new website has high functionality and engages visitors, making it easier for AWW to attract and retain customers in today's digital landscape.

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About AWW

One of the key features of the new website was the integration of cutting-edge technologies that allowed AWW to showcase their software development capabilities in a more dynamic and interactive way. This helped to increase their brand awareness and make them more memorable to potential customers. Overall, IronSoft delivered significant value to AWW by creating a modern website that aligned with their brand and business goals. The new website has high functionality and engages visitors, making it easier for AWW to attract and retain customers in today's digital landscape.

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