Mental Math is key factor
к to your child’s success

For children 5-14 years old

International school in Britain
Indigo Mental Club Train

Book a FREE Trial Lesson

How useful is mental math?

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    Helps develop self-confidence and leadership skills
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    Improves visual memory and concentration
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    The child will discover new talents in himself and learn to make decisions independently
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    Success at school will increase significantly. This applies to all subjects, not just mathematics
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    Increases the speed of thinking
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    Mental math trains the simultaneous work of the left and right hemispheres of the brain
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    Develops logical and imaginative thinking
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    Develops a propensity to learn foreign languages

What result will the child
get from doing mental arithmetic?

Everyone can achieve such success!

You don't need super math skills to be faster than a calculator! The first results after a month of classes. Having completed the full course of study in "Mental Arithmetic", the child will be able to instantly solve arithmetic operations with three-digit numbers. In a year and a half, your child will be able to perform complex arithmetic operations in the mind, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication of multi-digit numbers. But that's just the icing on the cake. The main achievements of the child at the end of the course in mental arithmetic will be:

✔️ Easy learning foreign languages
✔️ Ability to focus on what matters
✔️ Do multiple things at the same time, multitasking
✔️ Saving and proper distribution of your time
✔️ Improve school performance

If you want to see these quality in your child, we invite you to a FREE trial lesson

Book a FREE Trial Lesson

Cities where our
school is represented

  • Offline



  • Online


    • Bridgend
    • Carmarthen
    • Exeter
    • Plymouth
    • Southampton
    • Reading
    • London
    • Oxford
    • Birmingham
    • Manchester
    • Bognor Regis
    • Mansfield
    • Erith
    • Bedford
    • Dagenham
    • Pocklington
    • Croydon
    • Windsor
46 100 24 32 55 22 77 88 67 62 25 89 94 99 122 130 132 142 26 67 map

About the methodology


A Japanese method of mental counting that rapidly develops the mental abilities and intelligence of a child from 5 to 14 years old. For a child, this is an interesting game, where intelligence and the ability to instantly process information are pumped as a "bonus". Mental math simultaneously trains the left and right hemispheres of the brain, improves visual memory, concentration, creativity, imaginative thinking of children and their tendency to learn foreign languages. These are skills that do not have an expiration date - they will help your child to be successful in school, and in the best universities in the world, and in adulthood.

  • How are the classes going?

    Classes are held online via Zoom or Google Meet.
    Classes in a group with a trainer 1 time per week 60 min;
    Online 3-5 people
    Off-line 5-10 people
    Groups are divided into age categories **
    5-7 years old first age group
    8-9 years old second age group
    10-14 years old third age group
    ** the administrator determines the level of the child after the trial lesson and proposes the appropriate schedule and group level

  • At what age should you start?

    Most parents, having heard about mental arithmetic, want to know at what age can they start practicing? You will be surprised: there is no simple, unambiguous answer to this question. We accept children from 5 to 14 years old! On the one hand, mental arithmetic Indigo Mental gives a concrete impetus to the development of the child, which has its own specifics in each age group. At 5-6 years old, the child improves diction, coordination of movements, he will become more independent and communicative. At 7-8 years old, mental math helps to cope with the large amounts of information that the child encounters at school. Teamwork, the ability to switch between tasks, the ability to work more effectively with information - at this age this is priceless. At 9-12 years old, mental math often becomes a salvation from the dominance of gadgets, in which a teenager can spend almost all his free time. Abacus helps develop (and in some cases return) the flexibility of the brain, pump imaginative thinking and creativity, inspire continuous development and self-improvement. But on the other hand, mental math provides long-term impact, not tied to age and throughout life. In America and Western Europe, mental math is also practiced by older people to prevent multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. The brain of a child has enormous potential. In any age group, Mental Math is the best tool to develop this potential from your child's earliest years!!!

  • How long is the full course of study?

    There are two courses:
    Addition and subtraction 36 topics Study for 15-24 months Multiplication and division 36 topics Study for 9-12 months What affects the result and duration of the course
    - Child's age
    - Cognitive abilities of the child with which he came to class
    - Development of imaginative thinking, memory, perseverance, concentration
    - Implementation of all our recommendations and completed every homework
    All this affects the duration of training. The result for each child will be individual. All children are different and the duration of the course may vary from mastering the topics of the child.
    ❗️It is important to know: the first positive effect is observed after 1 month. After two full-fledged years of study, children are formed into groups of pros, go to international competitions, olympiads and already count at super speeds and easily solve complex exercises.

  • How does the training happen?

    The first hours of classes are spent on getting to know Abacus (abacus). Children master functionality, learn to set numbers correctly and perform elementary actions. Children reproduce the image of the Abacus in the imagination with the help of imagination games and then the abacus is gradually removed and the children try to do arithmetic operations already in their heads. Gradually, arithmetic operations become more complicated, and their speed increases. At the same time, the learning process takes place in a playful way, which eliminates rapid fatigue and increases interest in the program. As a rule, the first results of studying mental mathematics are visible after 2-3 months of weekly lessons and daily short homework assignments. But the child will be able to perform elementary mental actions with numbers after the first trial lesson. In order to fully master this mental counting technique, children will need approximately two years of stable practice. In the first year they will master the operations of addition and subtraction of numbers, and in the second year they will master the ability to multiply and divide using mental arithmetic algorithms.

  • What is an online platform and why do homework?

    Online platform
    Our company keeps pace with innovative technologies. The learning process takes place on a special author's computer platform designed for children. As a result, our students: They train with great desire on the online platform at home, because for them it looks like a computer game Strongly motivated to constantly train, because special bonuses for solving examples and even a special “secret character” are integrated into the online platform, which can be developed thanks to the solved problems They have access to statistics showing the percentage of correct answers, which motivates them to train more to improve their results They show amazing results and after 3-4 weeks they can count in their heads faster than their peers and even parents, which cannot be achieved without an online platform. Students can use any tablet or smartphone as a "touch" abacus, so they can train without traditional abacus In the program, children also have video lessons available, to which the student can return if for some reason they had to miss classes. Homework is the most important To achieve results in quick mental counting, you need to improve and train your skills daily. This can be compared to the ability to sit on a twine. If you devote time to stretching every day, then every day you will be closer to the twine. It’s the same with speed counting, it’s impossible to achieve a full result by training just once a week. It is important for children to complete daily tasks on the platform in their personal account (about 15-20 minutes), these classes are programmed by the teacher, they do not depend on time, but are mandatory, since with their help, the mental account is gradually brought to the skill level and depends on regular homework child's progress.

  • When can you see the result?

    During the 1st month, children learn to work with accounts - Abacus. Practice technique and mental arithmetic. At the 5th-6th month of training in children, both hemispheres of the brain begin to work synchronously, so that they easily count in their heads and can simultaneously recite a poem / sing a song or play a musical instrument. After 12th months, children are easier to concentrate on the task and complete home workouts faster. As a result of the fact that they have already developed photographic memory, imagination and logic. They notice a positive result from their work, this inspires them and stimulates them to further development. After 15-24 month - the end of the 1st course "addition and subtraction". At this stage, children already know how to quickly count verbally with ease. Their self-esteem and self-confidence grows. Children are happy to demonstrate their skills to others. And after the 2nd academic level of "multiplication and division", Indigo Mental students take part in international olympiads. And besides, they noticeably “pump”: the ability to think quickly, analyze and make decisions, useful memorization skills in seconds and sustained attention. And if you have not yet made a decision to educate your children in the Indigo Mental Club, contact us and we will provide you with quality advice on classes.

What are our advantages?

  • 1

    The modern INDIGO platform is an effective tool for daily training. What makes learning interesting and productive. The period of the full course of study contains not only the standard levels of Addition-Subtraction and Multiplication-Division, but also Squaring and Negative numbers.


    School of mental arithmetic Indigo Mental Club has seven years of experience and has graduated more than 155,000 students in 18 countries. Our classes are interactive. Education is built in the form of a game. Teachers use modern tools, original exercises and tasks, so the children study with pleasure.

  • 3

    Experienced and dedicated teachers who never stop learning and improving their skills. Before teaching children, they are trained according to the author's method of Indigo Mental Club with the obligatory issuance of personal certificates. This is followed by an internship and annual advanced training. Our teachers are professionals who love their job and find an individual approach to each child.


    School Indigo Mental Club regularly holds its own regional, national and international competitions. And, also, students of our school take part in international mental arithmetic olympiads. Our children are four-time champions at the WAMAS World Mental Arithmetic Olympiad among 34 schools from around the world.



  • Trial free lesson
    • 45-60 min lesson (introduction to mental arithmetic).
    • 48 hours access to computer platform
    • Feedback from the teacher
  • 1 month
    • 4 lessons of 60 minutes in a mini group
    • 24/7 IT platform access for 28 days
    • Individual homework assignments for each day
    • Motivational system (certificates, gifts)
    • Teacher control
  • 3 month
    • 12 lessons of 60 minutes in a mini group
    • 24/7 IT platform access for 84 days
    • Individual homework assignments for each day
    • Motivational system (certificates, gifts)
    • Teacher control
  • 1 month of individual lessons
    • 4 lessons of 50 minutes in a mini group
    • 24/7 IT platform access for 28 days
    • Individual homework assignments for each day
    • Motivational system (certificates, gifts)
    • Teacher control


Why take part in the Olympics?

Why take part in the Olympics? We increasingly hear that competitions are stressful for children and parents want to protect their children.
We all realise that every child has their own way Give children the opportunity to take part in competitions. Micro-stress in learning is very good for your child's brain and stress tolerance.

Why practice mental arithmetic?

A common question parents of our potential clients ask is Mental arithmetic develops many skills that children will need in adulthood

Preparing for the first lesson?

You're already on the path to success if you've decided to enrol your child in Indigo Mental School Britain But how do you prepare for their first trial?

How to raise a successful child?

We know that sometimes we all want to have the 'perfect child' But we all know — perfect people don't exist and neither do children!

What training do the trainers receive?

Stages in preparing for the class:


